Classic Africa

Safari Cost Comparison

Ballooning at Sunset - Safari Cost Comparison | Luxury African Safari Tours | Classic Africa

Safari is the most expensive component of any trip to Africa, and one's choices regarding safari destinations and duration will have a major impact on the overall cost of your itinerary. 

Many factors underlie the cost differences between safari destinations, and between camps/lodges within the same areas; some of the most significant cost drivers are analyzed below. The safari market is highly competitive, being driven by supply and demand, and there are very few pricing anomalies but, since everyone has differing priorities, it's important to probe the cost differences between destinations (or even specific properties) to ensure that your budget is most optimally allocated towards your interests and preferences. For a more detailed analysis of cost differences, we encourage travelers to email or call us (toll-free 888.227.8311).

2024 Safari Cost Comparison Chart

  South Africa Botswana Zimbabwe Zambia Namibia Kenya Tanzania
3 Night  $4,340 to $10,890 $8,590 to $14,840  $5,310  $7,320  $4,670  $3,470 to $9,880 $5,860 to $11,390
5 Night  $8,670 to $17,820 $13,460 to $23,370  $9,160  $11,110  $10,090  $6,450 to $15,690 $10,850 to $19,320
7 Night  $11,090 to $24,550 $17,270 to $30,380  $10,790  $14,360  $14,490  $8,990 to $21,150  $13,190 to $26,350
9 Night  $13,530 to $30,580 $21,360 to $37,420  $12,960  $19,120  $16,990  $10,970 to $25,890  $16,390 to $33,140
Shoulder Season N/A

April, May, and Nov. - rates lower by 20-25%

Jan., Feb., March - rates lower by 30-35%

May and Nov. - rates lower by ~10% N/A

April, May and Nov. - rates lower by ~10%

Jan., Feb., March - rates lower by 15%


Nov. and March - rates lower by ~10%.

April and May - rates lower by 30-40%

 Nov. and March - rates lower by ~10%.

April and May - rates lower by 30-40%

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