Classic Africa

Short Dry Season (Jan-Mar)

Elephant herd

As December progresses, the afternoon thunderstorms that characterize the short rains become more sporadic and East Africa moves into its short dry season. Temperatures remain warm but comfortable, and rain becomes a little more infrequent until late March, when the long rains begin.

Apart from great game-viewing conditions throughout the region, the main safari event during this timeframe is the wildebeest calving in the southern Serengeti. Attracted by a flush of nutrient-rich grass on the volcanic grasslands in the south, the herds of the great migration have been moving southwards through the Serengeti, and now concentrate in this area to give birth.

An estimated 500,000 wildebeest calves are born in this short timeframe, along with tens of thousands of other grazers that tag along for safey in numbers. There are no river crossings during this timeframe, but there is plenty of action, and predator activity is intense. 

The forests of Rwanda also experience a drier spell during this timeframe, making it an excellent time for primate trekking.

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